
A dietary supplement to support symptoms accompanying seasonal allergies such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, and itchy throats, as well as other histamine reactions. 

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PSC Allergy Lift (Allergy Depurato) Support of symptoms accompanying seasonal allergies such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, itchy throats, as well as other histamine reactions.  
Dietary Components:
PSC BeechFagus Sylvatica (buds)
PSC Black CurrantRibes Nigrum (buds)
PSC Dog RoseRosa Canina (young shoots)
PSC EyebrightEuphrasia Officinalis (buds of flowers)
PSC HornbeamCarpinus Betulus (buds)
PSC White Birch BudsBetula Pubescens (buds)
Propolis (SYS) – Bee resin 1:5
Organic Grape Alcohol 60% and Vegetable Glycerin.

Recommended Serving: 30 minutes before each meal take 15-25 drops 3-6 times daily into ½ glass of high quality filtered water and SIP sublingually over a period of 5 minutes. Children < 80 lbs. 1/2 and infants 1/3 of the recommended serving. Take as needed every 2 to 4 hours..


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Select options

1:10 – 50 mL, 1:20 – 30 mL, 1:20 – 50 mL

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