A dietary supplement that supports the entire pulmonary system for viral bronchitis. A soothing expectorant that reduces mucous secretion and suppresses the cough associated with bronchitis or the side-effects of cigarette smoking.
214 in stock
PSC Breathe Easy Support of the entire pulmonary system for viral bronchitis. A soothing expectorant that reduces mucous secretion and suppresses the cough associated with bronchitis or the side-effects of cigarette smoking.
Dietary Components:
PSC Black Elder – Sambucus Nigra (buds)
PSC Black Poplar – Populus Nigra (buds)
PSC Elecampane – Inula Helenium (embryonic roots)
PSC Hazel – Corylus Avellana (buds)
PSC Horse Chestnut – Aesculus Hippocastanum (buds)
Sundews – Drosera Rotundifolia (plant) SYS
PSC Wayfaring Tree – Viburnum Lantana (buds)
Organic Grape Alcohol 60% and Vegetable Glycerin.
Recommended Serving: 20 to 50 drops, depending on severity and response, 3 to 6 times daily into ½ glass of high quality filtered water and SIP sublingually over a period of 5 minutes. An entire dropper full every hour or two may be required for acute phase. Children < 80 lbs. 1/2 and infants 1/3 of the recommended serving.
Additional information
Select options | 1:10 – 50 mL, 1:20 – 30 mL, 1:20 – 50 mL |