
For blood pressure homeostasis and overall heart health.

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For blood pressure homeostasis and overall heart health.

Dietary Components:

PSC BRAMBLE (Rubus fruticosus):
Strong anti-oxidant activities; supports Cardiovascular, Musculoskeletal, and respiratory system; Analgesic properties.

PSC CRAB APPLE (Malus sylvestris):
Detoxifies the blood and lymph; prevents neurodegeneration; Helps asthenia.

PSC HAWTHORN (Crataegus oxyacantha):
Restores and stimulates the heart and arterial circulation; Regulates and balances the whole cardiovascular system.

PSC JUNIPER (Juniperus communis):
Detoxifier of the liver, kidneys, gut and gallbladder; Electrolyte balancer; Anti-inflammatory, and antirheumatic properties.

PSC MAIDENHAIR TREE (Ginkgo biloba):
Supports cognitive function, memory, dyslexia; protective effect on nerve cells; mood elevator; Supports brain oxygenation by increasing cerebral blood flow.

PSC MAIZE (Zea mays):
Protects the membranes of the urinary tract and kidneys and acts as a diuretic against bladder issues; Tropism of myocardium; Anti-inflammatory of the arteries and myocardium.

PSC MISTLETOE – (Viscum album):
Supports the circulatory system by protecting from thickening of the vein walls. Supports with the vagal nerve and sclerotic conditions.

PSC SWEET ALMOND (Prunus amygdalus):
Supports the cardiovascular system; Anti-sclerotic and anti-thrombotic; Improves Circulation. Reduces Triglycerides and raises high density lipoproteins (HDL): tropism of arterial circulatory system.

Other Ingredients: Organic Grape Alcohol 60% and Vegetable Glycerin

Suggested Use: 30 minutes before each meal take 15-25 drops 3 times daily into 1/2 glass of high quality filtered water and sip over a period of 5 minutes. For acute phase use 15-25 drops every 2 hours, up to 6 times daily. Children < 80 lbs. 1/2 and infants 1/3 of the recommended serving.

Organic Grape Alcohol 60% and Vegetable Glycerin.

Recommended Serving: 30 minutes before each meal take 10-50 drops, 3 times daily into ½ glass of high quality filtered water and SIP sublingually over a period of 5 minutes. Not recommended for children.

Weight 0.45 lbs
Dimensions 1.75 × 1.75 × 4.5 in
Extraction Ratio 1:20
Size: 50 mL

Additional information

Weight 0.45 lbs
Dimensions 1.75 × 1.75 × 4.5 in
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1:10 – 50 mL, 1:20 – 50 mL

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