
A dietary supplement to increase REM and non-REM sleep. It also contains high concentrations of phytomelatonin.

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PSC Deep Sleep (Sleep REM)  Increases REM and non-REM sleep. It also contains high concentrations of phytomelatonin.
Dietary Components:
California PoppyEschscholzia Californica (buds)
HopsHumulus Lupulus (buds)
Sour Cherries MontmorencyPrunus Cerasus (buds)
Passion FlowerPassiflora Incarnata (buds of flowers)
ValerianValeriana Officinalis (embryonic roots) 
Other ingredients: Organic Grape Alcohol 60% and Vegetable Glycerin
Recommended Serving: 30 – 60 minutes before bedtime take 15-150 drops into ¼ glass of high quality filtered water and SIP sublingually over a period of 5 minutes. Children < 80 lbs. 1/2 and infants 1/3 of the recommended serving.

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1:10 – 50 mL, 1:20 – 30 mL, 1:20 – 50 mL

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